Thursday, October 6, 2011

A sense of loss

Ok, first real post is going to be heavy for me.  I started this blog to talk about things that interest me and then I write about somebody dying.  My best friend's father passed away recently and it has affected me more than anyone else dying including my grandmother. Wendell was the father I wish I had.  He was a sweet, understanding man.  He was also the preacher at the church my family went to.  I am not religious at all and struggle with the concept of God.  What was cool was that he was cool with this and talked to me at length about it. In a lot of ways he was more of a philosopher than a preacher.  I will miss talking to him and hearing his voice.  He was sick for a long time before he died, but I was able to visit with him before his diseases took away his ability to speak.  I will always cherish that last conversation with him as he totally made me feel at peace with my (lack of) beliefs and the way I am.  I am going to the memorial service this weekend to pay respect to the greatest man I had the pleasure to know.  I love you Wendell, if there is a heaven you will certainly be there.  If not, rest in peace good friend.

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