Friday, February 17, 2012

Work and how I fucked up a great job.

I actually like my job. I don't have to work too hard and a lot of the work I do is fun - I do a lot of troubleshooting to find out what went wrong with the cases that get sent to my office.

Anyway, how I fucked up my great job: I told the big boss that I am interested in advancement. Normally, that wouldn't be a problem, but the big boss is a micromanager who doesn't give any direction. It's a terrible combination - she gives people tasks "to take care of" but second guesses them every step of the way. If the task isn't completed to her "vision" in her head, which she did not explain to anyone, she goes off. And by go off I mean sarcasm, name calling, etc. So knowing this I still told her I was interested in a vacant deputy director position that used to be my direct supervisor's job. He was cool and a good buffer between the big boss and me. Since he left she became my direct supervisor so I thought it can't be any different either way. I was wrong. She has made my life a living hell since I told her. She has given me a ton of crazy tasks to take care of in an effort to decide if she wants me to get the job. Some of them I've been successful with (I guess - I get no feedback) and some I haven't. On those she lets me know I failed.

Honestly at this point I don't even want the job anymore, but I can't say that. She is very vindictive and other employees that took jobs and decided they didn't like it essentially got blackballed from ever moving up again.

So basically I'm fucked. My hope is that she will say I'm not ready for the position. Then I can thank her for considering me and go back to doing the job I like.

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